Thursday, October 4, 2007

Burble, burble, burble!

59 W 12th Street . October 4, 2007 . 11:39 pm .

bur.ble 1. To make a bubbling sound; bubble. 2. To speak in an excited manner; babble. 3. A bubbling or gentle flow. 4. An excited flow of speech. 5. Aeronautics; the breakdown of smooth airflow around a wing at a high angle of attack.

Inspired by Open Burble, commissioned by the Singapore Biennale in 2006, Burble London opened to the public to celebrate London Fashion Week at 8:20 pm on Sunday, September 16, 2007.

The Burble is a massive structure composed of 1000+ helium balloons which contain micro-controllers and LEDs that create patterns of light across the surface. People come together and control it via a long, interactive handle bar at its base.

"The ephemeral experience exists at such a large scale that it is able to compete visually in an urban context with the buildings that surround it." (Haque: Design + Research)

Come on people... burble with me.


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