Thursday, September 13, 2007

Foundations of Media Design

59 W 12th Street . 12:14 am . September 13, 2007 .

This is where I live and this is where I go to school... Greenwich Village. It occurred to me to map myself during a Foundations of Media Design class. The whole idea for this blog came from that class. I think the easiest way to organize and follow the course is by blogging it. According to Susan Sontag cameras used to be "the toy of the clever, the wealthy, and the obsessed" which is the least we can say nowadays about computers and the web.

In order to survive creatively -as connoisseurs, producers, artists- in the midst of our ever changing times, we must be (or become) technology savvy. I am therefore looking forward to this space since I truly wish to dominate the skills I need to do the things I want. It will probably require much practice but me don't mind at all. Just as Isaac Asimov said "I do not fear computers; I fear the lack of them."

A picture from Look At Me... one of my favorite photography websites:

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