Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Solar Dish Kitchen

59 W 12th Street . 7:01 pm . September 18, 2007 .

What would a couple of them eggs taste like if cooked on a solar disk kitchen?

On a plane from Venice to Paris I found myself with absolutely nothing to read and was getting bored out of my mind. I was later pleasantly surprised by an Air France magazine article on the Cooper-Hewitt National Design Museum of New York and its current exhibitions. "Design For The Other 90%" sounded like a very interesting premise for a show. After reading about it thoroughly I made up my mind to go and check it out as soon as I came back from abroad.

"It is estimated that 6 billion people -or 90% of the world's population- have no connection to consumer society."

The word connection is what really rings a bell here. It's not a matter of knowledge or even understanding anymore. It all boils down to connection. 6 billion people are far beyond the reaches (and riches) of cultural consumption simply because they have no access to it... at any given level. Being a boisterous cultural consumer myself, this exposition was something that I had to go see.

Many object samples that seem to solve lotsa problems (real problems) for the world's poor were presented in the Museum's garden. Everything from motorcycles with Internet access to stations for day laborers to rest in the shade. The Q-Drum and the Lifestraw -by the way- have to be two of the cleverest inventions I've seen in a very long time.

Please find their website enclosed and remember not to worry about getting the iPhone... you only have 10% of the world's population to fight over it.



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