Tuesday, December 18, 2007

ee cummings

59 W 12th Street . December 18, 2007 . 2:23 pm

i carry your heart with me (i carry it in
my heart)

i carry your heart with me (i carry it in
my heart) i am never without it (anywhere
i go you go, my dear; and whatever is done
by only me is your doing, my darling)
i fear
no fate (for you are my fate, my sweet) i want
no world (for beautiful you are my world, my true)
and it's you are whatever a moon has always meant
and whatever a sun will always sing is you

here is the deepest secret nobody knows
(here is the root of the root and the bud of the bud
and the sky of the sky of a tree called life; which grows
higher than soul can hope or mind can hide)
and this is the wonder that's keeping the stars apart

i carry your heart (i carry it in my heart)

Selected Poems, 1958


Wednesday, December 12, 2007

51. Describe what to do with your body when you die.

59 W 12th Street . December 12, 2007 . 6:48 pm .

"When I die, I would like my body to be cremated ... Most of my ashes will be in the same place as my family in Tokyo ... Some of my ashes should be scattered somewhere else, which I'm going to find later ... Don't be sad, but I want you to cry a lot and then laugh with the person next to you ... I'll be reincarnated in another body someday ... Someone said that death is like a rejuvenating sleep so a morning will come in which we will all wake up again."

Ai Ikeda, 2007

Based on
Learning to Love You More.


Wednesday, November 21, 2007


59 W 12th Street . November 21, 2007 . 4:15 am .

The last time I had seen him I was 10 (maybe 10 but probably younger) and our families were very close... we all went on a road trip to Amecameca.

He kept pulling my hair.
It was a very cold day.

My sister found an abandoned white puppy... we took it home with us and named it Cielo.

That was all I could remember.

In 2005 I ran into Carlitos at the Guggenheim Museum in New York. He was the first person I ever told "I haven't seen you in 15 years."

He replied "I just became a dad!"
We hugged.

Carlitos is now the artist Carlos Amorales and his Black Cloud exhibition is showing at Yvon Lambert.


Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Sound Storyboard

59 W 12th Street . October 31, 2007 . 11:21 pm .

Starbuck's Coffee
5 min.

Door crack
Siren - ever so distant

Coffee machine

Door crack

Door crack

Cash register

Background music - on

Old lady gossip

Door crack

Subway - distant

Door crack

Female voice with Dominican accent - distant

Coffee machine

Old lady laughter

Coffee machine

Door crack

Male voice

Male voice 2

Cash register

Background music - off

Coffee machine

Door crack

Baby crying - ever so distant

Female voice 2 - shh, shh

Subway - distant

Car honk - ever so distant

Cell phone
Coffee machine

Coffee machine

Female voice with Dominican accent - distant

Male voice 3 - distant

Cash register

Cash register

AC - on

AC - loud

Old lady gossip

Door crack

Female voice 3 - ever so distant

Coffee machine

Subway - distant

Walkie-talkie - ever so distant

Door crack

Door crack

Background music - on

Coffee machine

Coffee machine

Door crack



Sunday, October 28, 2007


11 W 81st Street . October 29, 2007 . 2:44 am .

I lose some sales
and my boss won't be happy
but I can't stop listening to the sound
of two soft voices blended in perfection
from the reels of this record that I've found.

Every day there's a boy in the mirror
asking me:
What are you doing here?
Finding all my previous motives
growing increasingly unclear.

I traveled far and I burned all the bridges
I believed as soon as I hit land
all the other
options held before me
will wither in the light of my plan.

So I lose some sales
and my boss won't be happy
but there's only one thing on my mind
searching boxes underneath the counter
on a chance that on a tape a I'ld find...

A song for
someone who needs somewhere
to long for.

'cause I no longer know
where home is.


(Kings of Convenience... thanks for this song.)

Thursday, October 4, 2007

Burble, burble, burble!

59 W 12th Street . October 4, 2007 . 11:39 pm .


bur.ble 1. To make a bubbling sound; bubble. 2. To speak in an excited manner; babble. 3. A bubbling or gentle flow. 4. An excited flow of speech. 5. Aeronautics; the breakdown of smooth airflow around a wing at a high angle of attack.

Inspired by Open Burble, commissioned by the Singapore Biennale in 2006, Burble London opened to the public to celebrate London Fashion Week at 8:20 pm on Sunday, September 16, 2007.

The Burble is a massive structure composed of 1000+ helium balloons which contain micro-controllers and LEDs that create patterns of light across the surface. People come together and control it via a long, interactive handle bar at its base.

"The ephemeral experience exists at such a large scale that it is able to compete visually in an urban context with the buildings that surround it." (Haque: Design + Research)

Come on people... burble with me.


Saturday, September 22, 2007


11 W 81st Street . September 22, 2007 . 11:22 pm .


(Those flashing lights
come from everywhere.)


Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Solar Dish Kitchen

59 W 12th Street . 7:01 pm . September 18, 2007 .

What would a couple of them eggs taste like if cooked on a solar disk kitchen?

On a plane from Venice to Paris I found myself with absolutely nothing to read and was getting bored out of my mind. I was later pleasantly surprised by an Air France magazine article on the Cooper-Hewitt National Design Museum of New York and its current exhibitions. "Design For The Other 90%" sounded like a very interesting premise for a show. After reading about it thoroughly I made up my mind to go and check it out as soon as I came back from abroad.

"It is estimated that 6 billion people -or 90% of the world's population- have no connection to consumer society."

The word connection is what really rings a bell here. It's not a matter of knowledge or even understanding anymore. It all boils down to connection. 6 billion people are far beyond the reaches (and riches) of cultural consumption simply because they have no access to it... at any given level. Being a boisterous cultural consumer myself, this exposition was something that I had to go see.

Many object samples that seem to solve lotsa problems (real problems) for the world's poor were presented in the Museum's garden. Everything from motorcycles with Internet access to stations for day laborers to rest in the shade. The Q-Drum and the Lifestraw -by the way- have to be two of the cleverest inventions I've seen in a very long time.

Please find their website enclosed and remember not to worry about getting the iPhone... you only have 10% of the world's population to fight over it.



Saturday, September 15, 2007

Play Pause

59 W 12th Street . 7:55 pm . September 15, 2007 .

I went to see a video installation by Sadie Benning at the Dia Art Foundation in Chelsea today. A pleasant surprise it was to learn that she's a founding member of... Le Tigre!

Wanna disco?
Wanna see me disco?

I really appreciated the way the screening was presented: a huge set of speakers next to a two-screen projection on a wall and nothing else. The space in itself though contributed greatly. The sounds and ambient recordings were outstanding. The drawings were OK. According to the very formal press release handed to me at the entrance "Play Pause tracks a number of urban figures as they navigate their city in search of everyday play and pleasure."

The video was only 29:22 minutes long so less than an hour later I exited the gallery and took my own urban figure on a very afternoon-ish stroll down 22nd Street... one gotsa love New York in the fall.

Who took the bomp from the bompalompalomp?
Who took the ram from the ramalamadingdong?

Who took the bomp from the bompalompalomp?

Who took the ram from the ramalamadingdong?


Light Attack

59 W 12th Street . 2:21 pm . September 15, 2007 .

I tried to upload this piece directly from the artist's website to tanialicious but elegantly failed. I very much wanted to share it with everyone so voila the link and congrats to Daniel Sauter for a beautifully done clip.



Thursday, September 13, 2007

Foundations of Media Design

59 W 12th Street . 12:14 am . September 13, 2007 .

This is where I live and this is where I go to school... Greenwich Village. It occurred to me to map myself during a Foundations of Media Design class. The whole idea for this blog came from that class. I think the easiest way to organize and follow the course is by blogging it. According to Susan Sontag cameras used to be "the toy of the clever, the wealthy, and the obsessed" which is the least we can say nowadays about computers and the web.

In order to survive creatively -as connoisseurs, producers, artists- in the midst of our ever changing times, we must be (or become) technology savvy. I am therefore looking forward to this space since I truly wish to dominate the skills I need to do the things I want. It will probably require much practice but me don't mind at all. Just as Isaac Asimov said "I do not fear computers; I fear the lack of them."

A picture from Look At Me... one of my favorite photography websites: